World Book® Encyclopedia and Software MacKiev present Surf the Ages, an imaginative and historically accurate look at the past 5,500 years, from the Leif Erikson fan page to the Black Plague information site. Each era from 3500 B.C. to the 20th century, has its own homepage with links to other imaginary Web sites from that period. The 1400s homepage, for example, offers a link to reports from the front lines at the siege of Constantinople in 1453, and a military campaign that led to European exploration of the Americas. Other links allow you to read about the rise and fall of four mighty African empires, to sit in on the trial of Joan of Arc, or to peruse an enthusiastic real estate ad for a castle whose amenities include a suitably frightening, escape-proof dungeon. World Book Surf The Ages. The journey begins here, on each and every page.